2024 International Conference on Geotechnics and Hydraulic Structure (GHS 2024)
Call For Papers
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Call For Papers

The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

· Geotechnics

1) Earthquake Engineering

2) Foundations and Soil-structure Interaction

3) Soil Characterization, Improvement and Remediation

4) Landslides and Slope Stability

5) Numerical Modeling and Data Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering

6) Geohazards

7) Hydrogeology

8) Underground Structures

· Hydraulic Structure

1) Hydraulic Structure Design and Technology

2) Hydraulic Concrete and New Materials

3) High Slope and Underground Engineering

4) Large Hydraulic Structures

5) High Dam and Foundation Technology and Research

6) Safety Research of Hydraulic Structures

7) Engineering Seepage Disaster Theory and Control

8) Hydraulic Ecological Restoration and Prevention and Control